Thinking Out Loud #4 – What A Week

Hey there and happy Thursday! πŸ˜€ Today I am doing a little mini dance in my chair, because it’s the day where I get to let some of my thoughts spill out into this blog post. I’ve had a lot of down time and you know what that means? A bunch of thoughts going through my mind! Let’s get straight into this thaaaang! πŸ˜€


Thank you, Amanda for hosting!

1. I don’t know why, but I am really excited about this post. I guess it’s because it can be filled with a bunch of randomness and it’s totally okay. πŸ˜€ Plus, I’ve had a lot on my mind so that could be a key factor on why I am feeling this way. πŸ˜‰

2. Guess what I found out today. Did you know that you can remove ink stains with hair spray? I was like whaaaaaat…. that makes no sense, but I tested it out, and IT WORKED. mind = blown. I guess I can finally put my hair spray to some good use considering I don’t use heat on my hair anymore. El natural going on for me. πŸ™‚

3. It’s official. There is a garden in my room. I have now received flowers from my aunt, the lady who had hit me with her car, and my friend that moved to Yuma. I for one am not complaining. The flowers are absolutely beautiful! They add so much color and liveliness to my room. It was a surprise to see them all, so it is definitely making this healing process a bit easier. I’ve never received flowers before, so this first time experience is pretty wonderful. ❀

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4. On Tuesday, my family finally had a family night which we haven’t had in quite a while! For dinner, we had a make your own burrito/taco night dinner (like in my mentioned in my WIAW post a while back), and all sat down together to have a movie night. It was so nice to sit down, eat some delicious food, tell stories, and laugh. Afterwards, we watched Jon Don and Bad Grandpa. Probably two of the most AWKWARDEST movies to watch with your family. If you have seen them, you’d understand why.. Any who, that night was just filled with pure happiness and I loved it.

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5. I don’t know what it is, but I have not been my smiling self lately. I don’t know if it is the fact I am still in shock or their is another underlying reason behind the culprit stealing my joy. Granted, I am happy to be breathing and living, plus staying positive and optimistic, but since the accident, I barely muster out a smile.. I literally got up and asked both my mom and sister for hugs. I spent about a good 5 minutes hugging them both. I’m hoping that my usual bubbly self will return soon. I miss her.

6. I have been finally achieving that balance with food that I lost a few years back. I am not afraid to just get what I want without weighing it out or tracking it. I choose what I want to eat and enjoy it. I am satisfied and feeling a whole lot less stressed because of it. I am really kicking EDs tooky. πŸ˜‰

7. Every night now, I have to have a cup of hot chocolate. I don’t know what it is, but it just doesn’t feel right to go to bed without having a big mug of it. Is anyone else like this with either a food or drink? Or am I a lone ranger on this one?

8. I cannot stop listening to the Frozen soundtrack. Literally it has been on replay while doing my homework, getting ready, relaxing, laying down, trying to catch up on my blogging, everything. The songs are just so catchy and I LOVED the movie. Gah, so adorable..

9. Hoodies have been my go to clothing piece A LOT lately. I sleep in them. Lounge around in them. Go out with them. Big comfy hoodies FOR THE WIN. πŸ˜€

10. I want to really thank all of you for your kind wishes and prayers lately. Honestly I can’t say it enough. I will be dedicating a whole post on my gratitude come tomorrow. So look out! πŸ™‚

I hope you all have an amazing day. You deserve it. ❀

-What is your favorite song or soundtrack?

-What’s your favorite flower?

-What do you need in order to feel complete about your day?

11 thoughts on “Thinking Out Loud #4 – What A Week

  1. Oh, love! I’ve been away from the blog world and had no idea about your accident — but I’m so glad to hear that you’re okay! Sending tonnes of hugs and healing vibes ❀ And the Frozen soundtrack — oh gosh… I love it. I've had Let It Go stuck in my head forever now, and I'm constantly listening to the others as well. Definitely feel good music πŸ™‚


  2. I love love love roses! Your flowers are stunning! Gahh, I seriously need to jump on this Frozen bandwagon, I haven’t seen it yet (sigh, I digress). And we are twinning because I have a mug of hot chocolate every night after dinner BEFORE dessert. Sweet tooth much? Happy Thursday lovely lady! ❀

    • Roses are beautiful! Also, thank you. πŸ™‚ They really add livliness and color to my room. Trust me, once you see the movie, you’ll understand all the rave. It’s so adorable! We both live in AZ and both have hot chocolate every night. You know what this means? We’re like official best friends. πŸ˜‰

  3. Sending you big hugs, Natalie! I’m sure it’s been difficult recovering from the accident, but know that you’re in my prayers! β™₯
    My favorite song right now is probably Dear No One by Tori Kelly. That can be on repeat all day! And I love ending my nights on a sweet note to complete the dayβ€” either dried figs and yogurt, a little ice cream, or a bowl of cereal…anything to satisfy the sweet tooth! I’m also so glad to hear that you’re feeling a lot better about balancing your food. I can totally relate πŸ™‚

    • Aww shucks, you just made me whole night! Thank you. πŸ™‚

      I just had a listen to that song and I really like it! I may have found a new song to download and listen too on repeat while blogging. πŸ˜€
      I’ve never had figs or dried figs. I’ll have to look into that! Ice cream and cereal.. mmm.. so good!

      This balance really has made things a whole lot easier. I’m happy to hear you have found that balance as well. πŸ™‚

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