Thinking Out Loud ; 4/9/15

Good morning/afternoon/evening! ❤


Whew, you guys! I’m excited to once again join the Thinking Out Loud link up over on Amanda‘s page! It’s been quite some time since I last posted my thoughts, and in all honesty, I missed it. I missed typing out my sparatic thoughts and reading what others said/thought. I’ve learned to come that other people think how I do about things, and I think it is a fantastic way to form friendships! I hope to spark some new friendships as time goes on. I’d love to be all of your friends! 😀 Now, onward to the thoughts!

1. I saw the absolute CUTEST video two nights ago. It’s about a baby elephant meeting their mother for the first time in years. The baby was taken years earlier for exhibition. Their reunion made my heart melt. Seriously, my eyes were tearing up as I was watching it. All my parents could hear me say was “My heart! Oh my goodness.. SO PRECIOUS.” You NEED to watch this video. It is a guaranteed way to make your day. 🙂

2. I am SO close to getting my first car! I am hoping to get it by the beginning of May, because let’s face it.. I simply cannot ride my bike to work and other places in the Arizona heat. Riding in 115 degree heat? No thank you.

3. I’m excited to celebrate the six month anniversary of my relationship with my boyfriend! I don’t know exactly what we are going to do, but regardless I’m excited. These six months have flown by, and he has been making me the happiest girl in the world! I could go on and on and on with all of the lovey-doveyness, but I’ll save that for a later post. 😉


4. I am really liking my darker hair color after about 2 months. It took some time to get used too, but I actually think it suits me better than blonde!


5. Do you ever get those really sudden urges to do so much with your life and complete so much? Well, that’s me whenever I am working. I don’t know what it is about cleaning, but it sure gives me so much motivation. I guess it’s because I am doing something productive, but I get my best ideas then. Does this happen with anyone else?!

6. I am addicted to the app Tsum Tsum. It’s seriously the cutest thing ever. If you download, I warn you that it can be addicting. 😉


7. I’m really excited that I get to go to the Lana Del Rey concert in about a month! It’s on May 14th, and I keep telling my friend how epic it is going to be!


8. I have been having the urge to go to California lately. Specifically the beach and Disneyland. I miss Disneyland, and I would love to lay out on the sand next to the beach. I am hoping to take a mini vacation to CA when I get a car, because I would need to pick it up there. I will make it a priority to go to the beach.. maybe even a pier. Gahh, SO excited thinking about it. 😀

9. Currently obsessed with these two songs:

10. I hope that you are having an amazing day! ❤

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T.O.L 11/13 ; New News!

Good morning and happy thinking out loud Thursday!


It’s been quite some time since I’ve participated in the link-up party. (Sorry, Amanda!) Life has been crazy busy lately, so typing up this post will let me put my mind at ease. 🙂

1. I cannot stop listening to Blank Space by Taylor Swift and The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez. They are both so catchy, and I can’t get enough! I always catch myself humming or singing a tune from either one of the songs.


2. I got into this online game called Tera. If you don’t know what that is, it’s kind of like a mystical mid-evil game. I have a girl character named Day.dreaming. Her race is an elin and she’s a healer. I’ve been spending quite a few hours a day playing. o.o It’s soooooo fun!


3. I’ve been getting better at driving! I’ve finally went onto the major roads, and I’m still really nervous, but it’s been getting better! I just have to work on easing on the gas and brake. 😮


4. I’ve been lacking in the sleep department lately, but I find myself full of energy throughout the day. (After coffee of course. 😉 ) What is this madness?!


5. I am so so so ready for the cold weather. It has been hot for too long in Arizona. I’ve already got my beanies, sweaters, hoodies, mittens, scarves, and blankets all ready! 🙂

6. My diet Snapple peach tea kick is back! My mom bought a few packages for me, and they may or may not be already gone…

photo (82)

7. Did you hear about Toy Story 4 and the new minions movie coming out?! You guys, I don’t think you understand how excited I am about that!


8. I am on the hunt for an owl mug. I have been using some plain-Jane mugs lately, and I’ve been seeing a lot of cute owl mugs on Tumblr. If anyone knows of any places I can get a hold of, please leave a comment below. 🙂

9. I am so excited about being able to start lighting a fire in the living room. It’s going to make me even more excited about Christmas!


10. My birthday is in 26 days! ^_^


I hope everyone has/is having an amazing day! ❤


-What songs have you been listening too lately?

-Are you ready for the cold weather? 

-Tell me some of your thoughts! 


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T.O.L. – Questions For You

Happy Thursday everyone! 

Can you believe that it is already Thursday?! I can’t. This week is really flying by. I think this is due to the fact that we just had a long weekend. Fingers crossed another will come soon. 😉 I’m getting back into the groove of blogging again, and I am happy to be typing out my random thoughts again! (Hey, Amanda!) ^_^
1. I am more than happy that is September. September marks the start of fall. I LOVE FALL. Seriously, I have been loving the candle scents that have been coming out and the treats. Have you seen those new Jeff Whips products, english muffins, coffee flavors, PUMPKIN PIE, M&M’s, etc. Heaven in my mouth you guys!
2. When talking about Fall, you can’t help but bring up pumpkin. I am a huge lover of pumpkin. I love it in my oatmeal, in my cookies, just everything. I love pumpkin spiced coffee and teas. I also start to use cinnamon a lot more in the fall. I can’t be the only one. Fingers crossed my skin doesn’t get an orange tint! 😀
3. Along with lifting, I have been starting to do more yoga. I haven’t really gotten the relaxing bit to it yet (still skwirming), but I can tell you that is really improving my tolerance to soreness and increasing my strength. It’s very relaxing. The fact that it is required by one of my classes gives me a good reason to buy more yoga pants. 😉
4. Even though it does reach 100+ degrees F here in Arizona, I have been feeling cold a lot more lately. I’m basically living in sweatpants, leggings, and hoodies. Is this normal? O.o
5. I have finally been sleeping through the nights more now. Usually I wake up about four times, but I haven’t been lately! I think it’s due to the fact that I’ve been so busy. Hey, I’m not complaining! This girl loves her sleep. 🙂
6. I really, really, really want to do some traveling.
7. My reading kick has been put into gear again. I weened off for a while, but now I am knocking out books. I love reading as well as listening to audio books while I’m on the go. It really does come in handy and I love the personality from the readers!
8. With choosing a university next year, I have been getting all these types of feels. I have been feeling anxious for going, overwhelmed by the option, a bit sad that my parents don’t want me to leave the nest, and just confused. For anyone in college, can you please leave me some tips for choosing college and getting prepared? It would be well appreciated. 😀
9. I am starting to get away from social media more. I have decided to delete my accounts to some websites, but I’m still keeping the major ones. It’s just so overwhelming to me. I know it may be weird to some, but I love disconnecting. It stresses me out. Is it like this with anyone else?
-Just the questions from above. 🙂
– + What’s on your mind?

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Thinking Out Loud ; I’M BACK!

Happy Thursday everyone!


It’s been quite some time since I have joined the Thinking Out Loud party. (Sorry, Amanda!) My mind has been like that one grandma’s purse from Halloweentown (before the malfunction movie). If you don’t understand that reference, I’m saying that I have never-ending thoughts. I’m not so good with intros so let’s just get to the thoughts! 😀

1. I’m about 99.9% sure that my parents do not want me to go to a university out of state. Of course they want the best for me, but when I mentioned what schools I wanted to attend, my mom was tearing up. They were always going back to me going to local universities, because I’ll be closer to home. Although I would like the comfort of home, I know I want to take a risk and take hold of opportunities. It’s a stressful process of searching for the right university for me, but I’ve got some months to go before I make the BIG decision.

2. I am so ready for all pumpkin everything. I know I am not the only one on this. I just love the fall. Summer is not my forte. I am ready for flavored teas/coffees, sweaters, jackets, hoodies, scarfs, beanies, candles, etc. Who’s with me?! ^_^ OH! You can’t forget the food.

3. I think Singrays and the M4 are some sexy cars. Sorry not sorry. They just are.

4. I have been itching to make spaghetti squash lasagna for the past two weeks again. I need to get all of the ingredients this weekend and whip it up again. So filling. So tasty. So satisfying.

5. I’m still sucked into Supernatural. I’m on season 9. You guys.. IT’S GETTING INTENSE. I still have about 19 episodes to go before season 10 starts October 7th. I’M SO READY! 😀

6. I think it’s safe to say that I’m the cycling queen up in my area of Phoenix. I cycle 6 miles a day 6 days a week. You can’t tell me that doesn’t give me that title. Even though I have been taking the same route, I still get amazed each time. You may be wondering, “How is that possible?” Well, it’s the people I see. I’m not going to lie, Phoenix is filled with some interesting characters. It helps get my mind off the heat. 🙂

7. It’s safe to say that I am 100% happy. Even though school is really stressing me out, I am honestly really happy. Every day I wake up ready to take on the day. I am learning new things every day, my strength is increasing, my faith is increasing, my self love is increasing, and I’ve just been feeling so blessed. It truly is a wonderful feeling.

8. Girl, since you posted this video on your last T.O.L post, I can’t get it out of my head. It is a catchy message that really does send a positive message. It’d be nice to hear more songs like this. So empowering.

9. I have also been also feeling this song as well. It’s a song I have on repeat while in the gym and in the car.

10. I hope you have an amazing day! It’s almost the weekend! ^_^

-What are some of your thoughts?

-What song do you have on repeat?

-What are you excited for when Fall comes around?


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There Are Some Things I Need To Get Off Of My Chest

*DISCLAIMER: This post is going to be a more personal post.


If you have been reading my blog for some time now you know that I am a person who sees the optimism in every situation. I don’t like to look at the negative of anything, because who wants to do that? It’s just a downer. It’s not always easy though. As much as we all want too, we can’t always be happy 100% of the time. I’m all about being raw and real here.


1. Lately, I have been feeling like my mind is slipping back into my old ways. You know the ways of the eating disorder? Yes.. I know this is bound to happen and that I have to stay strong, but it’s hard. “Be a warrior. Persevere. You’re better than that!” I have heard that oh so many times whenever I bring up this topic to a friend. It’s hard to take that advice sometimes when the ones I have been confiding too have not faced an eating disorder. I have started counting macros again, because I have gained weight and it scared me. I took one look in the mirror and I was not happy. Yes, I am training hard in the gym, but you need to keep in mind that I had (and maybe still have..) body dysmorphia. If you don’t know what that is, it is a body image disorder that has to do with seeing myself differently than other people.. in a not so flattering way.


I’m not happy counting macros, but I’m also afraid of gaining weight. Yes, I admit it. Before you think “She needs to work on her self confidence,” I want you to know that is what I do every day. I do love myself (although it may not seem like it). I am grateful and thankful for all that I can do. I just have a tainted mindset that I am working on.

You’re probably thinking.. why is she talking about this? Well, I am going on vacation tomorrow and I am nervous about not tracking. I’m nervous about eating too much or too little. I’m nervous I will binge. I am nervous I will feel guilt. I’m just being raw and real with you all here. I know I need to enjoy this vacation, and I will, I just.. I guess I need advice? Or something..?


2. This may sound like a huge contradiction, but i am an advocate of loving yourself regardless. Lately, I have been seeing a lot of bashing on Instagram. I have seen accounts promoting anorexia and telling recovering girls to eat less, I have seen pictures and comments being made about other people, I have seen the nasty side of people. I know… I know… everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but the comments I have seen have disgusted me. I’ve seen bashing on “clean eating,” IIFYM (macros), intuitive eating, vegans, vegetarians, gluten free, training methods, bikini competitors,  meal plans, progress photos, etc. I’m actually surprised how outrageous it gets sometimes. People are failing to realize that everyone is different. Not everyone will like the same things as maybe you do. I know people who choose to do pilates and yoga over lifting. I know people who would choose to do cardio instead of lift. Not everyone enjoys lifting. Not everyone enjoys counting macros. Not everyone enjoys meal plans or exercise plans. There are benefits to everything out there in the fitness and nutrition world. Some things work better than other things for people.

3. Do you ever go through those time periods where you just feel lonely? I have. I realize I have family and friends that are always surrounding me, but I just have this feeling inside of myself. I have confided into God, but I think it’s something I am missing as a person. I am happy the majority of the time. I’m still trying to discover what it is. Maybe it’s a hidden passion? Maybe it’s something I need to let go of. Maybe it’s something I need in my life. I don’t know.. I’m sure you get what I am talking about if you have felt this way. Any tips you care to share if you have?

I know this wasn’t a typical post of mine, but it’s what I wanted to get off my chest. It felt good to type this out. Maybe I can connect with some of you that has every felt like this or thought like this. Who knows? Any who, I need to pack still, so I will end this here.


I hope you have an amazing day and just wait for an epic food post tomorrow. ❤


-Any advice you care to share?

-Have you been facing any internal struggles lately?

-What are your thoughts on any of the topics above?


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Thinking Out Loud ; Surprise Trip?!

Happy happy Friday everyone! I know I’m a day late (sorry Amanda!) to the party, but yesterday I just needed a day to myself away from all the technology. Ya feel me? I’m not so good on the intros, and I have a lot jumbling (don’t you like that word? :D) around in my mind, so let’s commence to the thoughts!


1. Yesterday I found out that I will be taking a four day trip to North Carolina in July! You guys, I have been wanting to go there for YEARS. My mom (out of nowhere) popped the question if I wanted to go with her in the middle of July. I was in shock at first, but then I immediately yelled yes. I mean, who wouldn’t? 😉 So far, we’ve planned on hitting the malls and the beach. We’re a bit stuck on what else to do, so if you know any good attractions, please leave suggestions in the comments below! ^_^

2. I have been rocking the el natural look for the past few weeks. I haven’t been feeling makeup lately so I just decided that I’m gonna be a natural babe from now on. So far, I’m liking it!#selfie #loveyourself #idontknowwhyimusinghashtags


3. I want to thank those who gave me kind words on my post from Monday. It truly means a whole lot to me. ❤

4. Remember waaaaaaaaaaay back in January when I was hit by a car and had a fractured neck and spine? Well, lately I have been building up my strength in the gym and I have been hitting PRs (WITH NO PAIN) left and right. They may not seem big for some people, but for me? Heck yeah do I get excited about it! 😀

5. I have been eating ALL.THE.FOOD. lately. Seriously, with the amount of activity I have been doing, I have been eating around 2500+ calories and I’m still leaning down and building up my strength. WAT. I’m not complaining though. I have been enjoying all the food and all the strength that has come from the food. EAT ALL THE CARBS. 😀

6. I have been hooked on crime shows on Netflix recently. You know the channel called ID? (Sorry, Amanda. I know you don’t watch much tv.) Well, I have found some shows that are on that channel and they have been on nonstop. #sorrynotsorry #thereIgowiththehashtagsagain

7. Is it just me or is the weeks flying by faster than the speed of life? Just yesterday it felt like the beginning of June and now we are approaching July. Man oh man..


8. Speaking of July, I am excited about the Fourth of July fireworks and BBQ. You already know it will be hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon, and sparklers galore!


9. The one thing I’m not excited about though? This Arizona heat! It’s going to reach 113 degrees F next week. *GULP* O.O


10. Avocado is love. That is all.

I hope everyone has an amazing day and an amazing weekend! ❤


-Where do you want to travel to?

-What are your favorite shows to watch?

-Makeup or no makeup?

-What’s your absolute favorite food?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

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Thinking Out Loud ; 6/5

I’m gonna take a risk and skip an intro and go straight to the thoughts! I hope that’s okay, Amanda. 🙂




1. Man oh man have I been loving being on vacation! I have never felt so stress free in such a long time! Enjoying the days going to the gym, having more time to cook, spending more time with friends and family, swimming, watching movies.. this is the life. I’m surprised I haven’t turned into a lazy bum. I’ve actually been quite motivated and more active. No complaints here though!

2. Every night I have been having a combination of three different cereals and a tortilla with peanut butter. It sounds like a strange combo, but it is honestly really good. It fills me up and I go to bed with a happy tummy.

3. With the move, I was only able to do at home workouts, because the gym I was signed up too was too far to get too. Well, I was finally able to join and new gym, and I love it! It has some equipment I have never tried before, so trying them out is fun! Definitely makes the workouts more fun.

4. I have no doubt that I will get addicted to Netflix over vacation. Slowly but surely my days have been filled with watching movies on Netflix.

5. Every day I have been biking around 6 miles in the morning. It gives me a time to myself to just think and clear my mind. I’m happy that I am able to ride my bike again. I haven’t rode it since the accident back in January. o.o

6. Recently, I lost someone that is really close too me. I mean extremely close.. I’m still feeling it in my heart, but I just want to let you know that it is okay to cry. I have been crying lately, because I don’t want to hold back the tears. It’s not good to hold in your emotions.. Just just have to feel what you feel.

7. I have been having my craving for frozen yogurt again.. oh my. I blame the hot weather. 😉


8. I have also been craving the grilled chicken burger with avocado and sweet potato fries I mentioned yesterday.


9. I have been chugging water like it’s nobody’s business. Arizona’s heat is no joke. I even started carrying around a gallon jug. o.o

10. I really need to update my playlist for the gym. Any suggestions on some songs that could help motivate me? I’d really appreciate it!


I hope everyone has an amazing day! ❤


-What have you been craving lately?

-What’s your favorite outdoor activity?

-What do you listen to when you workout?

-What are some of your random thoughts?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

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Thinking Out Loud ; 5/29

Happy Thursday everyone! ^_^

I promise not to have such a long intro, because..

1.) I suck at intoductions.

2.) I always sound repetitive.

3.) I have too much on my mind to actually think of one.


1. Today is my last day of school! Summer baby, HERE I COME! ^_^ It is going to be a really bittersweet day saying goodbye to everyone. I really hope I don’t start tearing up like I usually do on the last day of school. I have met some pretty amazing people this year, and it sucks that we are going our separate ways (primarily because I moved). I have made so many memories this year that I will never forget. It was my best year yet! I’ve grown so much this past year. I pushed my limits and I achieved great things. It was one hell of a year, but in the end, I am grateful for all of the obstacles that were thrown my way this year. I am stronger than I have ever been before!

2. My friend and I are celebrating the start of summer with a hike this evening! It’s one of my favorite summer activities, so what better way to kick off vacation? I have a feeling we are going to reach the top once the sun will be setting. If you haven’t experienced a Phoenix sunset, I must tell you that they are one of the most beautiful sunsets you will EVER see.

3. I’ve been going to the movies more often lately and I have seen Neighbors (HILARIOUS), the new X-Men movie, and the new Spiderman movie. Such.Good.Movies. If you haven’t seen them, you should. 🙂

4. I have been eating watermelon like it is nobody’s business lately. So good. So juicy. Mmm… now I want some!

5. If you didn’t know this about me, I am a girl who LOVES her volume food. Seriously, I love it, because you get to eat so much more. Who would complain about that? 😉 Well, I has at Big Lots the other day, and I came across Puffed Corn and Puffed Kamut. I have been adding them to my greek yogurt bowls, oatmeal, and just having them as plain bowls of cereal. So good.

6. Lately, I have been discovering things on why things in the past have happened. I realized that I have been lied to, a lot. It doesn’t really affect me now, because those people are no longer in my life, but it hurts to know that I wasn’t really worth hearing the truth. People should remember that the truth comes out eventually.

7. Yup, it’s official official. I hate pants. I had to wear some a few days ago for a lab, and man oh man was I having a heat stroke in those buggers! I can gladly say that no pants are the best pants.

8. The temperature in Arizona has already exceeded to 107. It’s hard to accept the fact that it’s probably going to reach over 115 soon. *gulp* o.o

9. The song Fancy has been stuck in my head for days now. It has been playing EVERYWHERE. You can’t tell me that you haven’t heard it yet.

10. I’m sorry to be repetitive, but I am so dang happy for summer vacation! I can’t wait until my mom picks me up and we go swimming! 😀

I hope you have an AMAZING day. ❤

-What is your favorite summer activity/activities?

-What song has been stuck in your head lately?

-What’s on your mind?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

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Thinking Out Loud ; 5/23 (Mama’s Birthday!)

Happy happy Thursday Friday everyone! ^_^


I realize I am a day late with this post, but I have my reasons for why I am being late. First being that Wednesday night I was preoccupied for 4+ hours working on a project and didn’t finish until 11, and on Thursday morning, I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to gather my textbooks to return, grab my project, and then study for the 3 exams I had. Man, has anyone else noticed that schools decide to cram in so much in during the last two weeks of school?! Better late than never for this post, right Amanda? 🙂


1. Not only is today Friday (WOOHOO!), it is also my mama’s birthday! *happy dance* There is so much I could say about this woman. She is my mother, my best friend, my protector. my nurturer, my support, my shoulder to cry on, my hero. My mom is the strongest woman I know, and no matter what, she is always there for me. She saved me from my disorder, she sat next to me every time I have been in the hospital, she has never left my side even when everyone else did. She is amazing. I have a few surprises up my sleeve for her. She isn’t feeling too well, so I can’t go all out, but I will make it special for her! ❤

2. This time next week, I will FINALLY be on Summer vacation! WAAAAAHOOOOOOO! Can you guys tell that I’m excited? 😉

3. Can you guys also tell that I am addicted to smoothies now? I have to (and I mean have to) have one or my day just won’t feel complete. I’m not complaining though. I have a special combo I have been especially loving lately. c(:


4. I really, really, really want to go on a road trip to Disneyland this summer. Also, I want to go to the beach. *fingers crossed* (Although it likely won’t happen…)

5. I find that when I am stressed, my sweet tooth goes wild. This week, I have been going to Red Velvet ice cream and cookies for night snacks. Is that normal? I’ll just go with it… 😉

6. I really love the smell of coffee in the morning.

7. I keep getting bug bites all over my legs! So attractive when wearing shorts and dresses.. not. *eye roll emoji*

8. Have you guys seen the emojis for Android phones?! They look so different. but cute! They kind of have more personality than the iPhone ones in my opinion.

9. The end of the school year is really hitting me right now. I don’t know why.. Oh man.. (Fight back the tears.. fight back the tears..)

10. I think I’m going hiking this weekend! WAHOO! 😀


I hope you have an amazing day! ❤


-What are you doing this weekend?

-What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

-What are your random thoughts of the day?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

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Thinking Out Loud ; 5/15

Happy Thursday everyone!  😀

Seeing as both Amanda and I have a strong dislike towards intros, I will keep this short and sweet and get straight into the thoughts. Shall we?


1. I am happy to report that I took my final last exam yesterday! Man.. those three and a half hours were brutal. I am happy to say that I think I did pretty good on it though! I had peppermints to keep me calm throughout the test, I took my deep breaths, and I really focused in on the work. AP has really kicked my booty, but I can say that I ended up being the victor in the end. 😉

2. In the past week since moving, I have had Sonic twice. I’m saying this because ever since my E.D. days, I haven’t stepped foot in there. With the stress of moving and school, I just had to get something quick and wanted to (I guess you could say) ‘conquer’ another food fear. I haven’t gone all out extreme, but the grilled chicken sandwich with fries is good enough for me. One day I will try the shakes.. one day.


3. I have also put exercising on the back burner these past few days as well. I thought that exercise on top of already stressing about studying for school would make things much harder on myself, so I decided I would go a few days without it. My mental being is really thanking me for that.

4. Ever since Amanda brought back the facts, I have been scrolling through @Uberfacts on Twitter endlessly. Some of the stuff on there is crazy..

5. Along with bananas, I cannot eat blueberries on their own. I have to have them in either a smoothie or oatmeal. I tried having plain blueberries yesterday while studying, and was I feeling some serious stomach cramps. Oy vey..


6. Sleep is a VERY glorious thing. I cannot emphasize it enough on how much I love sleep.

7. I’m craving summer pretty much all of the time now. I cannot wait for all of the family time, friends time, hikes, swimming, smoothies, fruit, doin’ my thang, etc. Who’s with me?! 😀 T-9 days!

8. I will finally be able to get baking this weekend in the kitchen! Everything in the house is set up and I have some idea flourishing in my head. It’s crazy how much of a break from baking can really spark your imagination. I’m ready to get the goods baking and my house smelling like wonderland.

9. A few more dresses are in order to be bought for summer. Primarily sundresses, but any will do. 😉

10. Oh! Christine! How I have been getting my hair so thick and shiny is from increasing my healthy fats intake primarily! I have been eating a lot more peanut butter and tuna lately. I’ve also been having avocado (but not as much). I have been aiming around 8 -9 hours of sleep a night. I don’t wash it everyday, because that strips away the natural oils. I haven’t applied to heat to it since last year. I think my increased blood circulation from working out has something to do with it as well. If I think of anything else, I’ll let you know! 🙂

I hope you have an amazing day! ❤

-What’s your favorite thing to bake?

-What are you doing this summer?

-What are you looking forward too?

-What’s on your mind?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

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