T.O.L 11/13 ; New News!

Good morning and happy thinking out loud Thursday!


It’s been quite some time since I’ve participated in the link-up party. (Sorry, Amanda!) Life has been crazy busy lately, so typing up this post will let me put my mind at ease. 🙂

1. I cannot stop listening to Blank Space by Taylor Swift and The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez. They are both so catchy, and I can’t get enough! I always catch myself humming or singing a tune from either one of the songs.


2. I got into this online game called Tera. If you don’t know what that is, it’s kind of like a mystical mid-evil game. I have a girl character named Day.dreaming. Her race is an elin and she’s a healer. I’ve been spending quite a few hours a day playing. o.o It’s soooooo fun!


3. I’ve been getting better at driving! I’ve finally went onto the major roads, and I’m still really nervous, but it’s been getting better! I just have to work on easing on the gas and brake. 😮


4. I’ve been lacking in the sleep department lately, but I find myself full of energy throughout the day. (After coffee of course. 😉 ) What is this madness?!


5. I am so so so ready for the cold weather. It has been hot for too long in Arizona. I’ve already got my beanies, sweaters, hoodies, mittens, scarves, and blankets all ready! 🙂

6. My diet Snapple peach tea kick is back! My mom bought a few packages for me, and they may or may not be already gone…

photo (82)

7. Did you hear about Toy Story 4 and the new minions movie coming out?! You guys, I don’t think you understand how excited I am about that!


8. I am on the hunt for an owl mug. I have been using some plain-Jane mugs lately, and I’ve been seeing a lot of cute owl mugs on Tumblr. If anyone knows of any places I can get a hold of, please leave a comment below. 🙂

9. I am so excited about being able to start lighting a fire in the living room. It’s going to make me even more excited about Christmas!


10. My birthday is in 26 days! ^_^


I hope everyone has/is having an amazing day! ❤


-What songs have you been listening too lately?

-Are you ready for the cold weather? 

-Tell me some of your thoughts! 


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @lovenataliemarie

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Facebook -> /nataliexdarling

E-mail -> lovenataliemarie@gmail.com

Thinking Out Loud #9 –

I think I share just as much excitement as Amanda does for Thursday. I mean, how can you not get excited about Thursdays and piling all of your random thoughts into one post? You get to learn so much about different bloggers and how their mind works. It’s no secret that we’re all a bit nosy to find out what’s going on in people’s lives. Or maybe that’s just me… o.o


1. I am in a really giddy mood today, because today is finally the day I get to see the house that I’m moving into in less than 2 months! I’ve only seen pictures online, but from the looks of them, it’s pretty fantastic! The rooms are spacious, the patio is huge, my room will get its own little patio area 😀 , there is a fireplace, two french doors, and a beautiful big kitchen. (Gotta save the best for last, right? 😉 ) I get to go see it after school today. Let’s just say I won’t be able to sit still in my seat from all of this anticipation! Plus, it’s more into the city which means more activity, more (NEW) people, and new experiences.

2. You know how I’ve been raving about Diet Snapple Peach Tea? Well, I just discovered these babies. I no longer have to keep purchasing the 6 packs. I can just whip out one of these, pour it in some water, do the shake it shake it dance, and enjoy. 😉


3. I’ve been eating more lately. I have been feeling/looking small again. I’ve gotten a few comments about it at school. I didn’t intentionally mean to. I mean from the looks of it, I have been eating more and conquering food like no otha! I guess this just means more food for me.

4. Oh! I just remembered (haha, good thing for this post. amiright?) that I am finally starting to exercise again! Since physical therapy, I’ve been going in to do back exercises including resistance bands and a stability ball. There have been exercises I have done without equipment. Some of the exercises include pulling, stretching, and squats. At home, I have started doing more leg/glute focused workouts along with some arms. I have been doing Blogilates to work my way back in slowly. I’ve always had a love for pilates and I just love her vibrant energy. For arms, I’ve been using my body weight and 5 lb dumbbells. I just can’t wait to get back into the gym. 😀

5. Speaking of more focused leg workouts, I wore shorts yesterday and got a lot of compliments on my legs. They told me that they were muscular and told me they looked nice. My progress is showing and I am so happy with it! My legs are the first to grow for me (muscle wise). I take pride in the strength of my legs. 🙂

6. I started watching Being Human on Netflix lately. I don’t know how I feel about it.. I need some suggestions on what’s good on Netflix. Please leave some suggestions below. 🙂

7. My motivation for doing my school work has been on point lately. I’ve been knocking out homework before 5 pm, I’ve gotten ahead on some projects that aren’t due until next month, I’ve been doing well with studying, and ace-ing tests! This girl is one happy girl. 😀

8. Speaking of school, Spring Break starts next Friday afternoon. Granted I don’t have any plans to travel, I am excited to get a week off. It will be full of family time, friend time, meeting new people, cooking/baking, reading, relaxing, and working out. Sounds pretty perfect to me.

9. I’ve been going through cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and almond milk so quickly. Seriously, the cottage cheese and greek yogurt doesn’t even last 4 days. What is this? Why is it disappearing so quickly? *le sigh..*

10. I hope you have an amazing day. ❤

-What do you like to watch on Netflix?

-What are you doing for Spring Break?

-What workouts do you like?

-What do you like to eat?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

E-mail -> lovenataliemarie@gmail.com