We’ve Got the Power in our Hands

Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. Instagram. Tumblr. Youtube.

Those are some of the names of the largest social media websites on the internet. There are millions of people that long on or go to these websites every single day. They hold the attention of both past and present generations. People are on their iPhones, iPads, iPods, Androids, tablets, etc. constantly liking, commenting, and sharing content. It’s pretty hard to go outside into the public and not see someone on their phone.

These websites hold influence to many actions and opinions, especially to the newest generation today. Pretty much every time I go out and about, I see an electronic in a child’s hand. I’ve heard, and seen, children talking about their profiles. They use derogatory terms like “thots” and other profanity, making judgments about themselves (like saying that they’re “soooo fat”), and especially judgments of other people for being different or not keeping up with what’s “cool.”

In my opinion, social media is a VERY powerful thing. It’s where people connect, learn new things or learn about what’s going on in the world, and open up their horizons to new ideas. BUT it also has the power of persuasion. Companies send out messages on what beauty “truly” is or what people need to do/buy to be accepted or “cool.” They have the power, on social media, to distort images of what people “need” just so they can get a quick buck.

I admit, I am constantly checking social media, and all throughout my scrolling, I’ve seen negativity on each of the websites listed above in some shape or form. People degrading other people for being different or not reaching their standards. As much as some people don’t want to believe it, words are a powerful thing. Beauty has been distorted by words and images. (You know what they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”). What’s essentially “cool” has been altered by words over the years. What’s “wrong” has been distorted by words. Hate has been promoted. Envy has been promoted. Unrealistic expectations have been promoted.

In this situation, I don’t believe the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” holds true here. I’ve fallen victim to, along with other people, judgment, envy, and hatred.

Social media has so much power, and in all honesty, it scares me. It’s worries me for the generation now and for future generations to come. Technology is everywhere and it is constantly expanding every day. Its intention was for good, but there has been so much negativity that has grown over the years on it. Yes, I agree whole heartedly that people have the right to speak their minds. I respect that people have their own views, but I think that people should spread more positvity rather than negativity.

“Your flame doesn’t grow any higher by blowing out anothers.” -Unknown.

-No questions.. Just your thoughts.

Let’s Chat!

instagram-logo Instagram -> @lovenataliemarie

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Snapchat-logo Snapchat -> @nataliexdarling

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email E-mail -> lovenataliemarie@gmail.com

T.O.L 11/13 ; New News!

Good morning and happy thinking out loud Thursday!


It’s been quite some time since I’ve participated in the link-up party. (Sorry, Amanda!) Life has been crazy busy lately, so typing up this post will let me put my mind at ease. 🙂

1. I cannot stop listening to Blank Space by Taylor Swift and The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez. They are both so catchy, and I can’t get enough! I always catch myself humming or singing a tune from either one of the songs.


2. I got into this online game called Tera. If you don’t know what that is, it’s kind of like a mystical mid-evil game. I have a girl character named Day.dreaming. Her race is an elin and she’s a healer. I’ve been spending quite a few hours a day playing. o.o It’s soooooo fun!


3. I’ve been getting better at driving! I’ve finally went onto the major roads, and I’m still really nervous, but it’s been getting better! I just have to work on easing on the gas and brake. 😮


4. I’ve been lacking in the sleep department lately, but I find myself full of energy throughout the day. (After coffee of course. 😉 ) What is this madness?!


5. I am so so so ready for the cold weather. It has been hot for too long in Arizona. I’ve already got my beanies, sweaters, hoodies, mittens, scarves, and blankets all ready! 🙂

6. My diet Snapple peach tea kick is back! My mom bought a few packages for me, and they may or may not be already gone…

photo (82)

7. Did you hear about Toy Story 4 and the new minions movie coming out?! You guys, I don’t think you understand how excited I am about that!


8. I am on the hunt for an owl mug. I have been using some plain-Jane mugs lately, and I’ve been seeing a lot of cute owl mugs on Tumblr. If anyone knows of any places I can get a hold of, please leave a comment below. 🙂

9. I am so excited about being able to start lighting a fire in the living room. It’s going to make me even more excited about Christmas!


10. My birthday is in 26 days! ^_^


I hope everyone has/is having an amazing day! ❤


-What songs have you been listening too lately?

-Are you ready for the cold weather? 

-Tell me some of your thoughts! 


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @lovenataliemarie

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Facebook -> /nataliexdarling

E-mail -> lovenataliemarie@gmail.com

Thinking Out Loud ; 4/3

*Happy dance. Happy dance.*

Cue the song “Happy” and let’s get this post going. You wanna know why? Because it’s Thursday and…



Let’s all give a huge thank you to the beautiful Amanda for hosting. ❤

1. After finishing both That 70s Show and Drop Dead Diva, I was stuck on what to watch. Being my usual self, I was watching Youtube videos of some of the people I subscribe to. I came across a March Must-Haves video that mentioned the show Bates Motel. I was a bit iffy about it, but after watching it episode after episode, I have come to like it. It is a bit creepy.. and weird.. but it’s interesting. I found it pretty cool that the characters were originally from Arizona.. and I live in Arizona. I know, I’m weird.

2. You never really realize how much stuff you have until you have to pack it all up. Even though I moved less than a year ago, I have somehow accumulated quite a bit of new items in the process of being here. Does that happen with anyone else? I have thrown out a majority of the useless items and packed my bags up with items, books, movies, and clothing that I will donate to Goodwill. One things for sure, when I move, I know I will have to buy a whole set of new clothes. My drawers are about bare now with clothes that are too big for me. *le sigh*

3. I’ve started to go on Tumblr again. I go on there primarily for the pictures to be honest. I have phases where I go on for a long period of time and spend quite a bit of time on there a day, but then there are those periods where I don’t go on it for months.. even years. Anyone else do that with a social media website? Here’s mine.


4. One of my goals for this month is to go out more with friends and family. So far, I have plans for this weekend to hang out with friends. I’m pretty excited about that. 🙂

5. With school, I found out that I will be neck deep in work until May 9th. After that? Smooth sailing and easy work for me. I don’t think you can sense my excitement from just reading this. Trust me, it’s beyond what you can imagine. Only about 5 weeks left of stress and then I’m freeeeee!

6. With this warmer weather, I have been itching to go hiking up at the mountains. Ashley, I’ve been seeing your pictures for you run. Please take me there one weekend and we can go hiking together. Yes? Yes. 😀

7. I have been having a lot of cravings lately.. Let me just list a few: Chocolate (specifically Reeses), In-N-Out, sushi, froyo, etc. You get the point.

8. One quote that has been sticking with me and that I have been following lately is: “Always find light within the darkness.

9. I really want to go backpacking throughout Europe. I have actually been thinking about that a lot lately. I think it would be amazing to go throughout Europe with a partner and just explore new places. Imagine all of the sights, pictures, food, culture, and memories that are there.

10. I really hope you’re having an amazing start to the month of April, an amazing week, and an amazing day. ❤

-What are your goals for the month of April? 

-What have you been craving lately?

-Where have you traveled to? Where do you want to travel to?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

E-mail -> lovenataliemarie@gmail.com