Thinking Out Loud ; 4/9/15

Good morning/afternoon/evening! ❤


Whew, you guys! I’m excited to once again join the Thinking Out Loud link up over on Amanda‘s page! It’s been quite some time since I last posted my thoughts, and in all honesty, I missed it. I missed typing out my sparatic thoughts and reading what others said/thought. I’ve learned to come that other people think how I do about things, and I think it is a fantastic way to form friendships! I hope to spark some new friendships as time goes on. I’d love to be all of your friends! 😀 Now, onward to the thoughts!

1. I saw the absolute CUTEST video two nights ago. It’s about a baby elephant meeting their mother for the first time in years. The baby was taken years earlier for exhibition. Their reunion made my heart melt. Seriously, my eyes were tearing up as I was watching it. All my parents could hear me say was “My heart! Oh my goodness.. SO PRECIOUS.” You NEED to watch this video. It is a guaranteed way to make your day. 🙂

2. I am SO close to getting my first car! I am hoping to get it by the beginning of May, because let’s face it.. I simply cannot ride my bike to work and other places in the Arizona heat. Riding in 115 degree heat? No thank you.

3. I’m excited to celebrate the six month anniversary of my relationship with my boyfriend! I don’t know exactly what we are going to do, but regardless I’m excited. These six months have flown by, and he has been making me the happiest girl in the world! I could go on and on and on with all of the lovey-doveyness, but I’ll save that for a later post. 😉


4. I am really liking my darker hair color after about 2 months. It took some time to get used too, but I actually think it suits me better than blonde!


5. Do you ever get those really sudden urges to do so much with your life and complete so much? Well, that’s me whenever I am working. I don’t know what it is about cleaning, but it sure gives me so much motivation. I guess it’s because I am doing something productive, but I get my best ideas then. Does this happen with anyone else?!

6. I am addicted to the app Tsum Tsum. It’s seriously the cutest thing ever. If you download, I warn you that it can be addicting. 😉


7. I’m really excited that I get to go to the Lana Del Rey concert in about a month! It’s on May 14th, and I keep telling my friend how epic it is going to be!


8. I have been having the urge to go to California lately. Specifically the beach and Disneyland. I miss Disneyland, and I would love to lay out on the sand next to the beach. I am hoping to take a mini vacation to CA when I get a car, because I would need to pick it up there. I will make it a priority to go to the beach.. maybe even a pier. Gahh, SO excited thinking about it. 😀

9. Currently obsessed with these two songs:

10. I hope that you are having an amazing day! ❤

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T.O.L 11/13 ; New News!

Good morning and happy thinking out loud Thursday!


It’s been quite some time since I’ve participated in the link-up party. (Sorry, Amanda!) Life has been crazy busy lately, so typing up this post will let me put my mind at ease. 🙂

1. I cannot stop listening to Blank Space by Taylor Swift and The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez. They are both so catchy, and I can’t get enough! I always catch myself humming or singing a tune from either one of the songs.


2. I got into this online game called Tera. If you don’t know what that is, it’s kind of like a mystical mid-evil game. I have a girl character named Day.dreaming. Her race is an elin and she’s a healer. I’ve been spending quite a few hours a day playing. o.o It’s soooooo fun!


3. I’ve been getting better at driving! I’ve finally went onto the major roads, and I’m still really nervous, but it’s been getting better! I just have to work on easing on the gas and brake. 😮


4. I’ve been lacking in the sleep department lately, but I find myself full of energy throughout the day. (After coffee of course. 😉 ) What is this madness?!


5. I am so so so ready for the cold weather. It has been hot for too long in Arizona. I’ve already got my beanies, sweaters, hoodies, mittens, scarves, and blankets all ready! 🙂

6. My diet Snapple peach tea kick is back! My mom bought a few packages for me, and they may or may not be already gone…

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7. Did you hear about Toy Story 4 and the new minions movie coming out?! You guys, I don’t think you understand how excited I am about that!


8. I am on the hunt for an owl mug. I have been using some plain-Jane mugs lately, and I’ve been seeing a lot of cute owl mugs on Tumblr. If anyone knows of any places I can get a hold of, please leave a comment below. 🙂

9. I am so excited about being able to start lighting a fire in the living room. It’s going to make me even more excited about Christmas!


10. My birthday is in 26 days! ^_^


I hope everyone has/is having an amazing day! ❤


-What songs have you been listening too lately?

-Are you ready for the cold weather? 

-Tell me some of your thoughts! 


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @lovenataliemarie

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Facebook -> /nataliexdarling

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Thinking Out Loud ; I’M BACK!

Happy Thursday everyone!


It’s been quite some time since I have joined the Thinking Out Loud party. (Sorry, Amanda!) My mind has been like that one grandma’s purse from Halloweentown (before the malfunction movie). If you don’t understand that reference, I’m saying that I have never-ending thoughts. I’m not so good with intros so let’s just get to the thoughts! 😀

1. I’m about 99.9% sure that my parents do not want me to go to a university out of state. Of course they want the best for me, but when I mentioned what schools I wanted to attend, my mom was tearing up. They were always going back to me going to local universities, because I’ll be closer to home. Although I would like the comfort of home, I know I want to take a risk and take hold of opportunities. It’s a stressful process of searching for the right university for me, but I’ve got some months to go before I make the BIG decision.

2. I am so ready for all pumpkin everything. I know I am not the only one on this. I just love the fall. Summer is not my forte. I am ready for flavored teas/coffees, sweaters, jackets, hoodies, scarfs, beanies, candles, etc. Who’s with me?! ^_^ OH! You can’t forget the food.

3. I think Singrays and the M4 are some sexy cars. Sorry not sorry. They just are.

4. I have been itching to make spaghetti squash lasagna for the past two weeks again. I need to get all of the ingredients this weekend and whip it up again. So filling. So tasty. So satisfying.

5. I’m still sucked into Supernatural. I’m on season 9. You guys.. IT’S GETTING INTENSE. I still have about 19 episodes to go before season 10 starts October 7th. I’M SO READY! 😀

6. I think it’s safe to say that I’m the cycling queen up in my area of Phoenix. I cycle 6 miles a day 6 days a week. You can’t tell me that doesn’t give me that title. Even though I have been taking the same route, I still get amazed each time. You may be wondering, “How is that possible?” Well, it’s the people I see. I’m not going to lie, Phoenix is filled with some interesting characters. It helps get my mind off the heat. 🙂

7. It’s safe to say that I am 100% happy. Even though school is really stressing me out, I am honestly really happy. Every day I wake up ready to take on the day. I am learning new things every day, my strength is increasing, my faith is increasing, my self love is increasing, and I’ve just been feeling so blessed. It truly is a wonderful feeling.

8. Girl, since you posted this video on your last T.O.L post, I can’t get it out of my head. It is a catchy message that really does send a positive message. It’d be nice to hear more songs like this. So empowering.

9. I have also been also feeling this song as well. It’s a song I have on repeat while in the gym and in the car.

10. I hope you have an amazing day! It’s almost the weekend! ^_^

-What are some of your thoughts?

-What song do you have on repeat?

-What are you excited for when Fall comes around?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

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Thinking Out Loud ; 6/5

I’m gonna take a risk and skip an intro and go straight to the thoughts! I hope that’s okay, Amanda. 🙂




1. Man oh man have I been loving being on vacation! I have never felt so stress free in such a long time! Enjoying the days going to the gym, having more time to cook, spending more time with friends and family, swimming, watching movies.. this is the life. I’m surprised I haven’t turned into a lazy bum. I’ve actually been quite motivated and more active. No complaints here though!

2. Every night I have been having a combination of three different cereals and a tortilla with peanut butter. It sounds like a strange combo, but it is honestly really good. It fills me up and I go to bed with a happy tummy.

3. With the move, I was only able to do at home workouts, because the gym I was signed up too was too far to get too. Well, I was finally able to join and new gym, and I love it! It has some equipment I have never tried before, so trying them out is fun! Definitely makes the workouts more fun.

4. I have no doubt that I will get addicted to Netflix over vacation. Slowly but surely my days have been filled with watching movies on Netflix.

5. Every day I have been biking around 6 miles in the morning. It gives me a time to myself to just think and clear my mind. I’m happy that I am able to ride my bike again. I haven’t rode it since the accident back in January. o.o

6. Recently, I lost someone that is really close too me. I mean extremely close.. I’m still feeling it in my heart, but I just want to let you know that it is okay to cry. I have been crying lately, because I don’t want to hold back the tears. It’s not good to hold in your emotions.. Just just have to feel what you feel.

7. I have been having my craving for frozen yogurt again.. oh my. I blame the hot weather. 😉


8. I have also been craving the grilled chicken burger with avocado and sweet potato fries I mentioned yesterday.


9. I have been chugging water like it’s nobody’s business. Arizona’s heat is no joke. I even started carrying around a gallon jug. o.o

10. I really need to update my playlist for the gym. Any suggestions on some songs that could help motivate me? I’d really appreciate it!


I hope everyone has an amazing day! ❤


-What have you been craving lately?

-What’s your favorite outdoor activity?

-What do you listen to when you workout?

-What are some of your random thoughts?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

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Get To Know Me Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone! We have survived Monday and we’re one day closer to the weekend. We always have to keep it positive. Amiright? 😉 Here’s a survey from the lovely Angela for Arman’s Spill It Sunday Tuesday.


1. If your tastebuds could only decipher one flavor for the rest of your life, which would you choose?  i.e. Salt, sweet, spice, sour

-Definitely sweet. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. I am a sucker for the sweetness of fruit and chocolate. I mean, who isn’t? 😉 I am really sensitive to salty food and although I love me some spicy and savory food, I was prefer sweet. I think you could tell by my oatmeal in the morning and my hankering for all things chocolate.


2. What sports did you play as a child, if any?

-This little girl was a tomboy for sure! I played soccer, volleyball, basketball, track, dodgeball, gymnastics, and dancing (does that count?). I was never good with softball and baseball.. Let’s just say I was really prone to getting hit.. o.o

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3. Who would you want to be handcuffed to for a day?

-Does this mean celebrity wise or like a friend? I guess I will just do both.

Celebrity: Beyonce. I mean come on now. She’s the baddest chick around. Maybe I could get her to teach me how to dance. Oh how interesting that would be!

Friend: Christine! I wanna meet this girl whenever I go to Cali! She’s a sweetheart for sure. Umm, can we make this happen anytime soon? 😉

4. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? What’s the strangest thing you want to try to eat?

-The strangest thing I have ever eaten? Erm.. I think it would have to be one of those lollipops with a scorpion in the middle. Not a good experience. o.o

-Wanted to try? Umm.. I don’t really know about that one. If anyone has any suggestions, leave them alone please!

5. Lions, tigers or bears? (Oh my)

-Lions fo’sho.

6What is your favourite restaurant you’ve ever been to?

-Although I do love me some Chipotle, it’s no clue that I love BJ’s. Ranging from their avocado spring rolls.. to their grilled chicken clubs.. to their peanut butter pizzookis… You know what makes me really happy? There is one right down the street from me. 😉


7. If you were forming a band, what would your band’s name be, and what kind of music would you play?

-I am really bad at coming up with names, so I would prefer to skip this question. What kind of music? Kind of like this song. (Yes, I am showing this song again, because it is FABULOOOOOOUS.)

8. What is the best compliment you’ve received?

-My friend told me that I was the inspiration to a whole group of girls at my old school to start a healthy lifestyle for themselves. *blush* 🙂

9Describe your personal style (for clothing or decor) and why you like it.

-It’s either leggings or dresses. Right now, I have been more on the dress side. I have a new found love for dresses now. They’re so cute and comfy. I always feel so beautiful and confident in them.


10What is one thing you absolutely want to do this summer?

-Realistically: Meet new people and go on a HUGE group hike.

-Unrealistically: Go backpacking in Europe.

-Your turn to answer the questions! 😀


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

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Tell Me About You Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I want to start out by saying Happy 21st Birthday to my sister! I can’t believe she is already 21! I already know her plans for the weekend (considering she has told me quite extensively about them). Tonight, we are going to go out to Macayo’s with our family and her friends. I am really excited!


I want to spend a day answering the questions from Arman’s Spill It Sunday posts, so you can get to know more about me. Here’s the first of many to start on Tuesday. 🙂


1. In real life are you an extrovert or more introvert person?

-It really depends on who I am around. For the most part, I am an extrovert, but I do have my introvert moments. I’m a shy soul at first, but over time I open up more. I guess that is how it is for most people.. I like my times alone, but I also love being around friends and family.

2. If money was no object, where would you move to?

-California.. on the beach to be more specific or next to Disneyland. Seriously, that would be a dream of mine. You have no idea how happy I’d be. 🙂

3. What are your hobbies besides blogging, food and working out?

-Art (Duh), spending time with friends and family, listening too music and singing, watch movies, go out exploring, etc. 😀

4. If you have a sibling what do you have in common and where do you differ the most? If you are an only child tell me about your pet/ mother/ father, best friend …

-My sister and I both share the same humor, but we differ on a lot of things. She is more of a free soul that is more socially based where I am social, but I am more focused on an education and going after my dreams. She does go for what she wants, but I don’t think she is as motivated.

5. If you were able to spend one day as the opposite sex, what would you do?

-Wouldn’t that be an adventure? Hmm.. I don’t know what I’d do really..

6. If you could have any super power what would it be?

-The power to heal. I would want to be able to heal people with the magic touch. 😀

7. When you’re upset, what are you doing to cheer yourself up?

-I draw, I watch funny videos, I bake or cook (very therapeutic), I workout (THAT ENDORPHIN HIGH), I smile and remember all the good in my life. ❤

8. You have $500 to spend on anything you want – what would it be?

-Dresses, leggings, workout clothes, FOOD.

9. What is your favorite piece of art (painting, sculpture, architecture…)?

-The art of optical ground allusions.

10. If you were able to go back in time and give your teenage self any advise what would you say?

-I would tell myself that starving yourself and over exercising is not the way to go. You are not those thoughts that dictated your mind. Food is not the enemy. Being fit and healthy is so much more important than a thigh gap or a flat stomach.

I would tell myself the proper way to become healthy with the proper nutrition and exercise.

I would tell myself to stay strong and to always love myself.. no matter what.



I hope  you had fun reading this. Tell me about you! 🙂


-What do you do to cheer yourself up?

-What do you like to do for fun?

-Answer some of the questions above!


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

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Currently ; May 2014

Happy Monday Cinco de Mayo everyone!

I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend that was filled with a lot of happiness and whole lot less of stress. Amiright? I know I’m a few days late, but it’s time for a currently post for the month of May! ^_^


Current Book:

The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I was finally able to snag a copy from the library, and so far, it is a really good book! It’s a bit confusing without proper punctuation, but I overlook that. I heard a movie on the book came out, so once I finish the book, I’m gonna watch it. From what I’ve read so far, I would really recommend it. 🙂


Current Music:

Still playing this song on repeat. I can’t get enough of it.

Current Guilty Pleasure:

Art. I have neglected it for quite some time, but I am getting back in the groove. It’s ranging from masks, to Disney boxes, to sculptures, to sketches. My artistic side is coming out stronger than ever!


Current Nail Color:

Still rocking the purple. My other nail polishes have been packed away. I did get a pedicure with a really cute tealish-aquamarine color, but I’ll save you from seeing a picture of my feet. I personally don’t like seeing feet.

Current Entertainment:

Lately, I’ve been watching Salem on tv and Bomb Girls on Netflix. Salem is a bit graphic, but I enjoy watching it. Bomb Girls is a good show to watch! It really does a good job with showing how life was for women during WWII. I also love the fashion and hairstyles, so that’s a plus. 🙂

Current Wish/Needs:

  • Art supplies.
  • A massage.
  • Dresses.
  • A vacation.

Current Food:

Erm, it’s a bit weird, but I have been having tuna more often lately. I guess that’s the savory part. I’ve gotten a bit creative, and I have been making smoothies in a mini food processor. I can’t wait until I’ll be able to whip out the blender again. 🙂 I’ve also been having oatmeal before bed as well. It really does help me sleep better with a full stomach.


Current Drink:

I’ve been cheating on my beloved Diet Snapple Peach Tea with Diet Snapple Sweet Tea. As you can see, I am a big fan of Snapple. 😉

Current Triumphs:

  • Rekindling my love for art.
  • Making more time for me.
  • Finally being able to do the splits.
  • Being able to sleep more. Thank goodness!

 Current Bane of Existence:

So many finals and exams coming up. SO.MUCH.STRESS. I can’t wait until it is all over by the end of May. I can do this.. I can do this..

Current Blogger Crush:

My girl Ashley. She has such a big heart and never fails to make me laugh. I can’t wait until the day I get to meet this chick! We live in the same state, so of course we have to. We’re foodie twins all the way. Oh how many crazy adventures we’d get into if we were roommates.. You should go check out her blog, like right now.


Current Indulgence:

Sleep. I have been lacking a lot of it lately, so I take every advantage I’ve got with naps and sleep. It’s good for the body, so I don’t justify it as being lazy. 😉

Current Blessing:

Being able to do more of what I love even through all of the chaoticness of this month. I did lose myself this year, but I’m slowly finding myself again. 🙂

 Current Outfit:

Still going strong with my love for dresses. They’re my thang, didn’t ya know?


Current Excitement:

School ending at the end of this month! No more stress! Just time for friends, family, excitement, and ME. I am so ready.

Current Link:

I’ve been on Buzzfeed like it’s nobody’s business lately.

Current Mood:

At ease with everything. Pure bliss.


I hope you have an amazing day and month. Stay smiling. ❤


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-What are you looking forward to this month?

-What are some of your currently’s?

-What did you do over the weekend?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

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Thinking Out Loud; 5/1

Happy May 1st everyone! 

By now, I think you know that I am no mastermind when it comes to intros. They’re pretty much the bane of my existence. I know it’s good to have that catchy intro to reel you in, but I think the thought of getting to see what is on other people’s mind let’s me overlook the intro, if short. I think I get the same amount of excitement as Amanda when it comes to see what is happening in others lives and how different everyone is in this community. This intro is longer than I expected, haha. Anyways, let’s begin the randomness in





1. My oh my.. I cannot believe that it is already the first to a new month. It seems as if this year is really wizzing by. (Wizzing? Who says wizzing anymore?) We are already a third of the way done of 2014. Is that blowing anyone else’s mind as well? In retro-spect (did I use that term correctly?), I am happy to say that there is only 22 more days of school left. Can I just get an AMEN for that? 😀

2. I have really been craving smoothies lately, but I haven’t been able to make any. I’m in the process of moving, and the blender has already been packed away. I was hoping to make Amanda’s banana bread muffins quick and easy, but I guess I will have to go old fashioned with the whisk and bowl. I know it will be worth it though. I am a fan of thick and creamy smoothies. I’ve never liked really liquidy, water-like smoothies.

3. As promised, I FINALLY finished my mask! It has been a long process, but I finally gotten it to the way I like it. It really did turn out better than I expected.


4. This year, I have met some pretty amazing people. One in particular is my close friend that is in my art class. She is literally like a sister to me. Things have been overwhelming in my life lately, and she has always been here for me. She’s held me when I cried, talked me through some of my deepest problems, been there for ideas/advice, triumphed with me at all the joys. She has always been there. ALWAYS. I know that even when we go our separate ways, we will always stay in each others lives. She’s one hell of a friend.

5. My body is still sore from the workout I did on Monday. I felt like doing leg day, and I kid you not.. in total, I did 1015 reps. Yes, you ready that number right.. 1015! I have been walking a little wonky lately, but I was really feeling the power. I pushed myself farther than I imagined I could. Goes to show how much our bodies are really capable of.

6. I don’t think I’m ready for the weather to reach close to the 100s over the weekend. I’m already getting some serious burn lines from the outlines of my shorts and shirts. I don’t know how I even survive Arizona’s heat. I’m really not looking forward to the close to 120s heat. Oh man.. Pool side for me all summer!

7. I have been having this song on repeat for the past week now. I love it so much. It’s so catchy and I always catch myself singing along to it.

8. In class, we are going to start reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy . I have heard some pretty fantastic reviews about the book. I’m excited to dig my nose into a good book finally (even if it is for school). 🙂

9. I now have to take classes on Saturday mornings until the 24nd. It’s for a good cause, so I can’t complain, but another day at school? Oh my..

10. My goals for May are..

  • Do what makes ME happy
  • Finish school with good grades
  • Work on my yoga poses
  • Go out and be social
  • Try new things


11. Oh, and dresses are my thang now. 😉



I hope you have an amazing day and an amazing month! ❤


-What are your goals for May?

-What is your favorite smoothie?

-What song has been on repeat for you?

-What’s on your mind?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

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Thinking Out Loud ; 4/10

Hey there lovelies! I can’t think of an intro for the life of me, so I will just go straight into the thoughts.


Thank you to the beautiful Amanda for hosting. ❤



1. I am BEYOND excited for tomorrow. I have been looking forward to tomorrow all flippin’ week. Even since last Friday. The reason behind all of this excitement is that my friend is coming to visit me from Texas! He is stationed in Texas, so we only get to talk to each other through Skype. He’s staying in Arizona until Monday, and we’re going to spend the entire weekend. We’ve been friends for such a long time. For about 2 years now. We met before he was deployed to Afghanistan. I wrote to him while he was there. We didn’t talk for quite some time, but then one day, he texted me and told me he was back. I don’t think you could even imagine my excitement! I don’t really know what we’re going to do this weekend, but he is going to pick me up from school and we will probably go get some dinner, go see a movie, and then figure it out from there. Ahh, so so so giddy. ^_^

2. I am the girl who HATES cutting her hair. Seriously, I will go months and months and months without cutting my hair.. I will seriously look so upset once the scissors reach my head. It was nerve-wrecking to see the locks fall to the floor. I’m really diggin’ my haircut though. I can’t remember the last time I had my hair at shoulder length, but I actually really enjoy it. The weather is getting warmer, so it is nice to not have the long locks there. I do miss them, but my hair will grow back healthier. 🙂


3. I cannot stop listening to this song. Ever since I was a little girl, I fell in love with the Spice Girls. Trust me, I still know the lyrics to all their songs, I have their movie on VHS, I constantly watched their music videos. I was always told I would be Baby Spice. I can see why. 😀

4. I am still having cravings up the wazoo. Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. I always get them at night. Does this happen with anyone else? Please tell me that I’m not alone..

5. I have also been loving these videos. I heard it in art one day while working on my mask. I feel in love after the first time. I was mesmerized by the instruments. I wish I knew how to play an instrument.

6. I really want to see the movie Neighbors. I find all of Seth Rogen’s movies hilarious! I may or may not of gotten all giddy when I saw that Zac Efron was in it. What can I see? He stole my heart ever since High School Musical. C’mon now.. you can’t deny those eyes… and that body.

7. I get to go to the mountains at night again this weekend! I have been really wanting to ever since I left them that night. It is just so peaceful and breath taking. I think that is going to be my new “clear my head” spot. I forget all my worries when I’m up there just looking out. I am hoping to spend a lot of time there over the summer. Late summer nights there? I think so.

8. Lately, I have been waking up at 4:30 a.m. I have no clue why. My body just naturally does. I take advantage of that time though, so I can make the rest of my day easy going. I always feel so productive when I finish a lot of tasks in the morning. Kinda badass or invincible. YaknowwhatImean? Yeah, you do.

9. I GET TO GO TO THE ZOO THIS WEEKEND AS WELL. In case you didn’t get the hint from my capslock, I am pretty flippin’ excited. You don’t even know how much I love going to look at the animals and taking pictures of them. I always get excited on the way there. It has been getting into the 90’s here already, so I will have to be bathing myself in sunblock, or I’ll end up looking like I belong with the lobsters. I kid you not, I don’t tan.. I burn.

10. If you are giving an opportunity, take advantage of it.


I hope you have an AMAZING day. ❤


-What do you like to do when your friends visit?

-Do you like cutting your hair? How do you style it?

-Do you like the zoo? What’s your favorite animal?


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

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Currently – April 2014

Happy April!

I can’t believe that we are already 1/4 of the way done with 2014. That blows my mind. Seriously.. it seems as if New Years was just yesterday! So far, this year has been filled with some pretty crazy events, experiences, and overall feelings. I have kept my head up and staying positive. I am ready to bring on April with a positive and optimistic attitude. I can’t wait to see what this month has in store for me. 🙂



Current Book:  The Weight of Silence – Heather Gudenkauf

“It happens quietly one August morning. As dawn’s shimmering light drenches the humid Iowa air, two families awaken to find their little girls have gone missing in the night. 

Seven-year-old Calli Clark is sweet, gentle, a dreamer who suffers from selective mutism brought on by a tragedy that pulled her deep into silence as a toddler. Calli’s mother, Antonia, tried to be the best mother she could within the confines of marriage to a mostly absent, often angry husband. Now, though she denies that her husband could be involved in the possible abductions, she fears her decision to stay in her marriage has cost her more than her daughter’s voice.  

Petra Gregory is Calli’s best friend, her soul mate and her voice. But neither Petra nor Calli has been heard from since their disappearance was discovered. Desperate to find his child, Martin Gregory is forced to confront a side of himself he did not know existed beneath his intellectual, professorial demeanor. 

Now these families are tied by the question of what happened to their children. And the answer is trapped in the silence of unspoken family secrets.”

I haven’t gotten the chance to start it yet, but I am going to start tonight. I love starting a new book at the beginning of each other. This one has been on my little library shelf for quite some time now. I think it’s time to crack it open and dive into a new story. 🙂


Current Music: Two songs that I have completely fell in love with.


Current Guilty Pleasure: Going out with friends to meet new people and try out new things.

Current Nail Color: I actually have my nails painted this month. I wanted to come in with a subtle spring color, and the first color that came to mind was purple. Of course. Purple is my favorite color, so I love loving down at my nails and seeing a pop of color. 

Current Drink: This may come as a surprise to you, but Diet Snapple Peach Diet. Shocker, right? 😉

photo (68)

Current Food: I have been all about oatmeal for breakfast, snack plates for lunch, and quesadillas for dinner! They’re so dang good! Oh come on, you can’t deny that oozing cheese. 😉




Current Wish List: Leggings, new clothes, chocolate (Yes, chocolate. Resses to be exact.), a massage, a new phone.

Current Needs: I need sleep, leggings, clothes that will fit me (all of them growing to be too big), and some self motivation to help push me through this last hectic quarter of school.

Current Bane of My Existence: All of these projects for school that are compiling up!

Current Indulgence: Taking a lot of time for “me.” I know we should all do that anyways, but with school starting back up, I need more time for me (to stay sane). I have taken up a lot of stretching and yoga, along with Netflix nights, spending more time with family and friends, and just taking in those moments to breathe.

Current Triumphs: Conquering “fear foods” such as Domino’s pizza, thin mint ice cream, gooey cheesy barley, and other delectable goods. I know it may not be the best for me, but knowing I conquered them is pretty damn satisfying. 

Current Blessing: Although I am facing quite a few health issues, I am blessed for the recovery I am taking in order for my body to recovery. Back in the day, I used to flip out if I rested too much. Now, I am enjoying it, because it is helping me mentally with balance and physically with obvious reasons. 🙂

Current Outfit: I’m rockin’ the dark colors right now (unintentionally) while it’s pretty hot outside. Go figure. *eye rolling emoji* I am wearing black basketball shorts (at least I’m wearing shorts, right?) because they are better than jeans and pretty darn comfortable and a dark grey v-neck.

Current Excitement(s): Knowing I have less than two months left of school, moving to my new house soon, becoming more confident and a social butterfly, making new friends, and overall living the life I am living.

Current Mood: Pure and utter bliss.


-What are you currently reading?

-What’s your current music of choice? 

-What are you excited about? Triumphant about? Blessed about?

-What are you indulging in?


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Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

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