I Don’t Know How To React

Happy Thursday! I am going to keep this intro short and sweet to get straight into the thoughts..


Thank you Amanda for hosting! 

1. I got some really bad news yesterday, and to be honest, I don’t know how to react to it. I really don’t want to get into details, but what I found out is going to effect me for the rest of my life. Literally. I couldn’t help by cry right in front of the doctor. I couldn’t even muster out a word to my mom as we walked to the car. I can tell my parents are really concerned, but I don’t even know what to say. I am at a literal loss for words. All I want to do is crawl up into a ball and sleep, but that will do no good. I am trying to stay as positive as I can, but this burden is really weighing down my heart. I have done a lot of praying. I have done a lot of crying. I’m sorry I started out this post so heart heavy. I promise the rest are on the more positive side.

2. To cheer me up, my mom bought me Pho for lunch. Goodness this woman knows me so well. My love for pho is unreal. I mean come on, how can you not love how tasty it is and how it opens you up? I am able to handle more spicier foods now, so my throat and nose are really thanking me for that.

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3. I can spend hours upon hours in a bookstore, primarily Barnes n Nobles. I was in there for a good few hours exploring the aisles while drinking some coffee. Doesn’t that sound perfect? To me it does. I finally came across Divergent and am looking forward to diving right into it. Doesn’t the movie come out tomorrow? I’m going to read the book before watching the movie. Who agrees that books are always better than the movie?

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4. You guys.. my obsession for Diet Snapple Peach Tea is about to come back. I finally found these again after weeks of looking. Let’s just say I will be taking more frequent trips to the 99 cents store. 😀

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5. You know what else I found? Stevia. I have been looking ALL OVER for it and I finally found it at Big Lots! I can’t wait to try it out. What are some things you add Stevia to? Suggestions much appreciated. 🙂

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6. I don’t think I am ready for Spring Break to be over. I am grateful for an education, but I am really not looking forward to waking up early and spending 7 hours at school. I know that the work load is going to increase. You know what makes me happy though? I will only have 9 more weeks left of school. HOLLA!

7. I finally started using Snapchat. I mean I downloaded the app a while ago, but I was “too lazy” to take pictures. What am I kidding? I looked like a hot mess every time I got a snapchat. It’s actually pretty fun when you get comfortable with taking random pictures. If anyone wants to snapchat, let me know!

8. You know what else I have been using more lately? Twitter. I have these periods where I go on it for a long time all the time and then it switches to never opening up the app. I have been using it a lot more lately and I don’t really think I will stop any time soon. I have been talking to some pretty cool people on there. You should follow me and tweet me so we can become friends. Okay? 😉

9. I think it is safe to say that Ashley and I would be the perfect roomies. I mean we both live in Arizona, we love roasting veggies (and eating them), peanut butter fanatics, foodie twins, and our personalities are so in sync. What do ya say girl? You up for it? We’d get into some pretty crazy adventures!

10. I’m thinking about cutting my hair short this Summer. Should I or should I not? Opinions are welcome.

I hope you are having an amazing day and week. ❤

-What do you use Stevia in?

-What’s your favorite book? What are you currently reading? 

-What’s your favorite comfort food?

-What’s your snapchat name? Twitter name? 


Connect with me!

Instagram -> @myhealthlyjourney

Twitter -> @xolovenatalie

Pinterest -> @xolovenatalie

E-mail -> lovenataliemarie@gmail.com

26 thoughts on “I Don’t Know How To React

  1. Really bad news? Oh girl… I’m so sorry to hear that 😦 I hope that you’re doing okay, and if you ever need anyone to talk to, feel free to hit me up, okay?

    Books — ob.sessed. I loved the Divergent series, and I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the movie, even though I think that books are always better. I’m reading a book called Blood Song right now, which I’m really enjoying.

    And the hair thing — I say do it. I’ve been tempted to cut my hair short for years and years now, but I always seem to chicken out. Be braver than me 😆

    • Thank you. That really does mean a lot to me. I have been on the more of the heart heavy side, but I am doing my best to stay positive.

      I whipped through Divergent in less than five hours. I can’t wait to see the movie! 🙂

      I think I am going to cut it soon. 🙂

  2. I’m so sorry for whatever news you have to deal with from your Doctor … it can really bring you down. Glad you have your mom there to guide you and support you!

    My kids – well, mostly one of them – use snapchat all the time and love it.

    I was reading ‘Burial Rites’ (one of the ‘top 2013 books’) but switched to re-read ‘Night Watch’ by Russian author Sergie Lukyanenko. Great series, and I just found out the latest book comes out next month so I decided to re-read the series in preparation.

    Good luck with everything!

  3. I am sorry! know I am always here if you just need to vent and get it off your chest. I know you will get through this though, nothing is stronger than the support you have!
    .. I am going to see divergent tonight! can’t freaking wait

  4. I hope that everything works out okay for you!!!! I’m sure whatever happened, it will all work out! 🙂

    Im actually allergic to stevia and i get crippling headaches if I eat it, which SUCKS cuz I would like to put it in my oatmeal sometimes!!

    And I’m ALLLL about snapchat! I’ve seen about 18,000 of them…and I always welcome new friends so lemme know if you want to 🙂


  5. So sorry to hear about your bad news. I can relate to the feeling… I remember the helplessness I felt when my doctor told me I had lupus about 4 years ago. And then there’s the time when I found out I had an unplanned pregnancy (which actually turned out to be the biggest miracle of my life!) I don’t know what you’re going though, but prayers are already going your way, love! Do not feel bad about the tears, that is a natural part of the process.

    And yes! Read Divergent! It will suck you in and help take your mind off the heavier things. I read the first two books in 4 days 🙂

    Keep your chin up, lady. I am here for you if you need someone to talk to!

  6. Whatever it is that is ailing you, I hope it passes – In the meantime, I pray for strength for you and your family, Natalie. And lots of pho.
    Divergent does come out at the movies today – I read the 3 books and they were AWESOME, so I cannot wait for the movie tonight!
    Sending hugs your way dear.

  7. Girl I am so so sorry to hear about your bad news. Don’t feel like you have to share it but hear for you if you ever want to email me to chat.

    I’m glad your mum was there with Pho to help cheer you up somewhat. Sounds like you have great supportive parents.

    I’m about 75% through Divergent and I can’t stop reading. It is really good, I hope you like it too.

  8. Hey buddy- Just saw this post and wanted to say- through your past posts- you have shown how strong you are and overcome so much in such a short period of time- You have the inner strength to move forward- you just don’t know it yet 😉

  9. Pingback: Call Me The Carb Queen | lovenataliemarie

  10. Pingback: What Makes You Happy? | lovenataliemarie

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